Monday, December 30, 2013

It's in the cards...What does the psychic say.... Ring-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding!

After the redheaded psychic  slowly exhaled filling the room with visions of butterflies, she gently released the energy holding the palms of my hands to hers and replaced it with the deck of tarot cards.

She then said:

"Think about all the questions you have and shuffle the cards."

I held the cards in my hands. I could feel their energy. I began shuffling the cards trying to focus on the things I wanted to know about...the questions I, school, my adoption and of course Mr. Selleck.

Once I was done shuffling I cut the cards into three piles and then placed them back together into one.

The redheaded psychic began laying out the cards.

The different tarot card spreads (the way in which the reader lays out the cards) that I know are the Celtic Cross, which is a ten card spread focusing on one question and the Astrology spread, which is a 13 card spread that covers the 12 houses of astrology and a final card for the conclusion.

She used a different spread. One I had never seen before. I can't remember how many cards she put out but she laid them out in a square. Each side of the square representing a different season.

Once the cards had been carefully placed, the redheaded psychic then began studying there positions.

She went over different things the cards revealed giving me a general overview of what she saw.

She moved her hands to the area of the spread that represented spring and she said she saw good news coming in the spring. And I would receive this good news through a phone call that would change my life.

With each area (or at any time in the read) if I had additional questions she would take the remaining cards from the deck and then ask them for more insight on the subject.

I wanted to know more about my adoption but I didn't want to give the psychic too much even though I myself had a very clear vision about my adoption and a little boy named Samuel...I asked her if she could see the gender...

She went to the cards...caressed them in her hands and quietly asked them for more information on my adoption...she flipped over three more cards...

And then she said:

"A girl!"

"A girl of Asian descent"

A girl?

Asian descent?

I then relived for her in detail the dream of Samuel.

She asked the cards one more time to show us the gender.  

She flipped one card...

As soon as I saw the card I knew...

The psychic smiled and said at the same time I did:

"A girl"


She said that I was contracted in this life for two children. That I was to be responsible for two souls...

It was then that I mentioned my infertility.

She said she saw me pregnant and not to be surprised if I had both a pregnancy and my adoption...

And as much I was enjoying her reading, I think she only said that because I mentioned my infertility...

It's a knee jerk reaction that people (even psychics) have when you tell them you can't have children...

It's the old "Oh it will happen."

I didn't want to burst her psychic bubble by telling her it literally (unless I turned out to be Mary and Mr. Selleck was indeed Joseph) was impossible.

I have no eggs and Mr. Selleck has no sperm. We are the perfect couple...a match made in heaven!

Even if by some miracle I did have "one good egg" left, Mr. Selleck had a vasectomy years before I met him...yeah I'm no psychic but my innate intuition is saying...impossible!

Then the reading turned to Mr. Selleck...

She said she saw a strong connection between the two of us, like we've known each other for a long time but in actuality we didn't. She saw that our relationship was new.

Now I didn't tell her anything about Mr. long we had been seeing each other...our connection...his recent break-up and his breaking things off with me and getting back together just days before...she knew none of this...

But it was all there in the cards...because you can't hide from the cards...

She said saw some "new" relationship issues that we would have to go through but they would work themselves out.

She said Mr. Selleck would be all on board with my adoption and not to worry.

She said that I wouldn't be "single" for long.

All the things she was telling me was exactly what I wanted to hear about Mr. Selleck.

I was afraid the cards were going to show Mr. Selleck pulling the same thing again and telling me he couldn't commit.

I was afraid that Mr. Selleck would leave again...

But the cards were in my favor...

Now there was a bit of a mystery in my reading too...

A big decision...

The redheaded psychic saw that sometime towards the end of the summer, beginning of next fall I would have to make a big decision...

I had no idea what that decision could be...

She returned to the cards imploring them to give us more insight on what this decision could be...

The cards would not give an answer...

The card are funny like that sometimes...basically their answer will just have to wait and see.

I will just have to wait and see...

Now as the redheaded psychic was finishing the reading...she took one more look, closed her eyes and then opened them. When she did she went on to give me a little more insight on Mr. Selleck. 

She said Mr. Selleck would need to "go off" on his own sometimes...have these little "trips" as she put it where he would need to be by himself...

"Don't worry" she said.

"Give that to him."

"He is with you 100%!"

But the real question I neglected to ask her was if I would be with him 100%...



  1. You should really write a novel- even if it's not your life. These cliffhangers always leave me waiting for more.

  2. Happy New Year Michaela...cannot wait to read more!!



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