I would like you all to meet Josh.
Josh has a one of a kind disease.
Alternating Hemiplegia of Childhood (AHC) - a rare but debilitating neurological disorder causing temporary bouts of paralysis.
One in every 1 million children suffers from AHC.
Josh is one of those children but Josh is so much more than one in a million...
He is one of a kind.
Josh has a one of a kind heart.
A one of a kind soul.
A one of a kind smile.
A one of a kind laugh.
A one of a kind spirit.
And a one of a kind strength.
A one of a kind strength that I know he gets from his mother.
My cousin.
Strength runs in our family.
I come from a family full of fearlessly strong, beautiful women who overcome every day.
Their strength amazes me. Especially on days when I feel so weak.
But when I look at Josh and his one of a kind determination I know where all that strength comes from...
Our greatest strength come from our greatest love.
Strength comes from love...
And Josh's one of a kind mom is using her strength fueled by her unconditional love to help find a cure for her son.
She has put that strength and love into creating this amazing event.
CureAHC Mixed Round Robin Doubles Tournament
But she needs your help and your support.
Please to donate to help find a cure and show us your one of a kind spirit.
Every little bit helps - and all donations are invaluable (and one of a kind!)
Click here to make a donation.
If you live in the Atlanta area and want to register to participate - Click here to register!
Get out there and have some tennis fun while raising money for a good cause!
And Josh has a one of a kind message of thanks for you:
There is strength in love....
Forever grateful!