September 2009 – I failed the Clomid Challenge miserably. Diagnosis Diminished Ovarian Reserve due to Advanced Maternal Age. Dr. Doom gave me a “Practically 0% chance of conceiving with my own eggs”. This really upset me because not only did my Diminished Ovarian Reserve destroy my dreams but also because I have never failed a test before in my life!
I started researching everything. I mean everything. I added battery supplements, changed my diet and started acupuncture.
October 2009 – A bump in the road. Literally, I had a polyp removed.
November 2009 – IUI #1 with Clomid 1 follie BFN
Still researching and joined the Fertile Thoughts Forum (my girls, my saviors!)
December 2009 – IUI #2 and IUI# 3 Clomid both 2 follies both BFN.
January 2009 – I had to sit out a cycle due to a cyst.
All the while I’ve been researching and discovered several studies stating that Clomid is not good for women over 35. I asked Dr. Doom to prescribe me injectables. He kept refusing, stating that my chances were next to zero. I insisted. He then said he would do it just to humor me. On that cycle, the cycle with injectables, I got pregnant.
February 2009 – IUI #4 2 follies BFP!!!! My miracle, my hope, my Angel.
At my 7 week ultrasound I was told by Dr. Doom’s partner Dr. Darth Vader that I would miscarry. There was no heartbeat. When I was asking him what I should do he told me that I should miscarry naturally and then said “Call us when you bleed”. I never called them. I never went back. A week and a half later I miscarried.
March 17th 2010 Saint Patrick’s Day – I miscarried my Angel.
March thru April 2010– Natural miscarriage. Bleed heavy for 4 weeks.
April 2010 – Started with my new RE Dr. Wow. I call him Dr. Wow! Because when I was leaving my consultation Dr. Wow said “I am going to do everything I can to get you pregnant.” It made me stop and say “Thank you”. I cried as I walked out. That is the first time anyone has said this to me since I started this journey. That is the first time I heard anyone say “try to get you pregnant” as opposed to “0% chance of getting pregnant” and I thought “Wow”!!
May/June 2010 – IVF #1 5 embryos none made it to a 5 day blast. No ET.
Sept/Oct 2010 – IVF #2 4 embryos 3 Day Transfer BFN
Oct/Nov 2010 – I decided on my Alternate Path if IVF #3 doesn’t work.
Dec 2010/Jan 2011 – IVF #3 BFN
Jan 2011 - March 2011 - Making some alterations to my Alternate Path.
May 2011 - Put my Alternate Path on the back burner and took what was behind Door #1 started mystery IVF #4
June/August 2011 - Mystery IVF #4 cancelled twice.
October 2011 - Completed mystery IVF #4 PREGNANT!! My Heart! My Soul!
November 2011 - Miscarried again! Devastated!
December 2011 to now - Finding a better place.
January 2012 - FET #1 transferred 3 embryos. BFN
March 2012 - FET #2 transferred 2 embryos BFN
March 2012 - Completed my homestudy for domestic infant adoption. I am officially an adoptive parent in waiting!!
May 2012 - FET #3 Casey's at bat. Another swing of Whiffer's bat! BFN!
June 2012 - WTF!
August 2012 IVF #5 DE BFN!
November 2012 FET #4 Chemical
March 2013 IUI #4 BFN
June 2013 IUI#5 BFN
September 2013 FET #5 Chemical
September 2009 to present day – Trying to keep my head above water. Trying to be okay!