At work last night a Bachelorette Party sat at a table in the bar. I waited on them. I’m not going to lie, I thought it was a pretty lame Bachelorette Party just by the sheer fact that it was in my bar. Not because the bar I work at is lame, it’s just not a Bachelorette Party type of bar. You need a bar with loud music, dancing and cute guys. You need to be down in Hoboken (like we did for my BFF’s Bachelorette Party) where you can go bar hopping to any one of the numerous bars with loud music, dancing and cute guys. Or you need to go to an All Male Revue, like we did for my sister’s 3rd wedding; yes you read correctly, I said 3rd but that is a whole another story. Let’s just say I have told everyone in my family that no one is allowed to get married (again!) until I get married! Anyway you need to go to an All Male Revue where hot sexy men embarrass the bride to be by gyrating all around and on her! Something fun, something memorable not dinner and drinks at a local tavern. So at first when they sat down I figured that we were their 1st stop on a fun filled night on the town. They would stop in here, have a couple of drinks, get a bite to eat and then head out for some fun Bachelorette shenanigans! But as the night progressed it became clear this was the full extent of their shenanigans! Shots and wings….hmmm not bad for football season coming up but really lame for a Bachelorette Party. As I continued working, washing bar glasses I thought to myself, that’s something I will never see. I will never see my Bachelorette Party. I’m not saying I will never get married but now, over 40, if I did get married I know I would not have a Bachelorette Party. It would be too silly. I wouldn’t wear a white dress either. That ship has sailed too. I will never see my Bachelorette Party and I will never see myself in a beautiful white wedding dress. I know there will be a lot of you claiming I still could have a Bachelorette Party and I could still wear the white dress but at this point in my life, now, I wouldn’t. Too me, it would just seem all too ridiculous like Mariah Carey wearing hot pants, stop already!! You look ridiculous. I am sure there are people telling her she can still pull it off too but no. It’s silly. So I will never see my Bachelorette Party and I will never see myself in a beautiful white wedding dress. I can live that. There are worse things I will never see and that I might never see. I will never see my father walk me down the aisle. He left when I was very little. I will never see my one grandmother who passed 2 years ago hold my babies and as time keeps marching on I risk the same fate with my other grandma. I myself might never see my grandchildren. I might never see the man of my dreams say “I do” and of course the most frightening of them all is I might never see my children.
Now as the night was coming to an end and I was thinking about things I will never see, I had a very unfortunate accident. A piece of glass shot out from one of the glasses I was putting away and hit me directly in my eye! It hit me with such force I was completely startled. I covered my eye and went over to the other bartender and said “I piece of glass just hit me in my eye”. He must have detected the note of panic in my voice b/c he immediately said “Go, go to the bathroom”. I went to the bathroom, uncovered my eye to see blood on my hand and blood coming out from my eye. This sent me completely into panic mode and of course I started crying. I never saw an eye bleed before and to be honest that is something I never want to see again. The ambulance was called. The police arrived. They kept me from touching my eye, so I sat there with blood dripping from my eye catching it with a cloth wondering how bad it was. I could see. I knew could see. That was a relief. I made a corny joke to the police officers: “I didn’t see that coming!” Ha ha! “If I did I would have closed my eyes!” HAHA! Dork! I am very dorky sometimes especially when I’m nervous. When the ambulance got there they covered both my eyes. They didn’t want my eyes to move around in case there was glass still in my eye. Not being able to see while riding in the ambulance was a little unnerving. I wanted to remove the bandages from my eyes but I didn’t want to make anything worse either. I knew I could see but I was still scared. They took me out of the ambulance and into the Emergency Room and had me slide off the gurney. The whole time I couldn’t see. I cracked another joke telling them “Don’t let me slide off onto the floor”. They didn’t. The nurse came and took the bandages off. I could see. The doctor came to examine me. He said I was very lucky. My cornea wasn’t scratched and there wasn’t any remaining glass in my eye. My eye looks real bad but it’s actually all good!
I will tell you something though, those 30 minutes when I couldn’t see, I have never been so grateful. I kept thanking God for all the things I had seen and all the things I will see. The funny thing is, just today, after all the rain stopped, I saw a double rainbow. It was such beautiful sight. I took it as a sign of all the beautiful things I'm going to see in my life. So, I won’t see myself wearing a white wedding dress, there just comes a time when you shouldn’t and there also comes a time when you should stop wearing hot pants! As I said, there are worse things.