The fact
or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity
You turn
off the lights but the last thing you want to do is sleep. You turn off the
lights but the sun is rising and it's filling your room with illuminating
streaks. The birds begin to chirp. The neighbors begin to wake. Your heart is
racing and your blood is pumping. You
try to relax. You put in the same movie that you have watched over and over and
over again. You hope that the half gallon of booze you drank is enough to bring
you down. But all your body wants is one more line. And all your hearts wants is for
it all to stop. And your brain, all your
brain can think the whole time is: "Oh my God...I've done it again!"
toss...turn. You're tense. It's 6 am and you are wondering how you are ever
going to make it to work later that day.
You swear if you just go to sleep: "I'll never do it
again". All the while concocting a
plan on how to get some more to get you through the next day because:
All your
body wants is one more line...
One more
line to make it stop...
She never
mentions the word addiction
In certain
~ The
Black Crowes
I have had many addictions and I debated about whether or not I
wanted to share them here, explore them here...there might be people in my real
life that read this and have no idea how deep my addictions ran...
After all, I was supposed to be the "good one".
I also run the risk of harsh judgment...but hey I am a "Who
gives a f'ck!" kinda gal!...and I am pretty sure no one will judge me any harder
than I do myself.
So do I open up and explore my addicted past...
I think I just did! Yes, I was addicted.
I spent many nights as described above.
I remember when Sober came out by Pink...I posted that video on my
Facebook page. One of my good friends (who
is much younger than me) said: "Yeah, I watched the video. I just don't
get it." and I said to him: "That's because you've never been
Yes, I was addicted.
"Looking for myself SOBER" ~ Pink
And battled. And I won...and it is in the past now.
So I shouldn't beat myself up right?
The past is the past right?
We should embrace it. It makes us who we are today...Right?
Yeah...it does make us who we are today...
But what if in the process of making you who you are today, it
destroys who you wanted to be!
My relationship with Sio was an addiction.
When I was with Sio I knew that we weren't meant to last. He
was too young. Too unsettled. I was looking to settle down. A mixture for
Sio and I should have been nothing more than a fling and I should
have moved on. But I couldn't.
I had been single for a while so when Sio came around, flirting
and showing interest it was like I had to have it.
I couldn't let go of that thing...that thing that made me feel
I remember at the time talking to one of my "shore
house" girlfriends and she asked me: "What are you doing?"
I said to her: "He
loves me. I'm just not ready to give him up yet.
Just a little while longer."
And when Sio would go and act like the 20-something he was I would
get mad. We'd have a big fight and I would leave him.
Only to have him beg me not to go. He would tell me how much he loved
me and I would cave and take him back every time all the while knowing....knowing
it should end...knowing I had to give up that thing...
This went on for years...I was addicted to it...
I was addicted...addicted to that vicious cycle of "I hate
you!" "I love you".
And like any addiction in the end it always does more harm than
But I needed that "thing" so desperately. Taking him back was the only thing that would
make it stop. Make the heartache stop...
Addiction is consuming me again.
And the object of my addiction is the only
thing I can think about now.
The funny thing about addiction is that it is always with you and
I am not going to lie...lately...there are days when I want to go out buy a
pack of smokes and a bottle of whiskey and call it a night...drown myself in
alcohol and nicotine...
But I am addicted to something else...
Something much bigger...
Something greater...
TTC is the most consuming and self destroying addiction I have
ever had...the lengths that I am going to are beyond and I can't stop...
Like any good addict I keep trying to find a way for "just
one more".
if I let myself go I'm the only one to blame" ~ Pink
Yes, I am cycling again...
Because this time, this one more time is the time that's going to
make it stop. Right?
This time it has to work and then the pain will stop...Right?
Just one more...at any cost...just one more...no matter what the price...just one more...
But eventually...I will have to come down because like any addiction in the end it always does more harm than good.
Trying to
make it stop!
And all the while it is making you who you will be...but what if it's not who you want to
it's good then it's good, it's so good till it goes bad
you're trying to find the you that you once had
I have
heard myself cry, "Never again"
down in agony, just tryin' find a friend" ~ Pink