prayer that has been on top of my Greatest Prayers Hit Parade as of late has
"God please
make this end. It has to stop. "
And it
have to
And it
have to
I can't
keep putting myself through this pain.
But I will
be the first to admit that I don't know how to make it stop and I am not sure
if I have the strength to end it.
When I was
with Sio we were planning all the things a couple should be
planning...marriage, a home, children but here's the thing...Sio was 10 years
younger than me and he wasn't remotely ready for any of it! (On a side note, today
he is married with a new baby and I still question his readiness, even now 9
years later!).
remember telling one of my girlfriends that I was going to marry him and she
grabbed me by the arm and looked me directly in the eye and said: "Don't!
Don't marry him!"
And I am pretty
sure on some level I knew...I knew our relationship wasn't meant to go that far
but I couldn't stop. I couldn't leave him. The thought of leaving him, even though
I knew it was what I HAD to do, put a pain in my heart. A pain I didn't want to
And as
time went on and the addiction grew, that same friend said to me: "The
only way this ends is if you end it!"
I knew she
was right.
The only
way it would end is if I ended I did.
One night
Sio and I had a huge fight and I ended it.
The very
next day he showed up to my work. He was sitting at the outside patio bar and
as I walked inside he gave me this wink and smile. I knew that if I went outside to where he was,
we'd be back together.
I knew if
it was going to end I had to end it.
On Sunday,
9 dp 3dt I got a positive pregnancy test.
The next
day I got another positive pregnancy test.
But on
both tests the line was faint and with each subsequence test I took, the line
did not get darker.
I knew
what this meant.
12 dp 3dt
my beta came back a 19.
Too low.
Today it
came back a 7.
It's over.
It is
officially another chemical pregnancy.
I need
this to stop!
Please God
make it stop....
The only
way this ends is if I end it...
I have 4
embryos left.
The only
way this ends is if I end it...
thought of never carrying a child puts a pain in my heart. A pain I don't want
to face.
The only
way this ends is if I end it...
I have now
failed my last 6 cycles...
The only
way this ends is if I end it...
Six failed
cycles since my last miscarriage. Is it even fair to these embryos? I have spent
the better part of the last 2 years doing transfer after transfer and
nothing...well 2 chemical pregnancies...maybe those little embryos would have a
better shot with someone else.
Four baby...
Four baby...
The only
way this ends is if I end it...
Because it
appears that my uterus is the place that embryos go to die...
thought of never carrying a child puts a pain in my heart...
A pain I don't want to face...
But the only
way this ends is if I end it...